
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

All in Good Time

This morning FedEx tells me that Stories from the Matrix will be delivered Monday, July 17.

Now is the time to pay for your order (if you still want it - let me know if you do not) and as soon as the books arrive I will get them signed and package them up ready to head to the post office.

In the meantime, I'm trying to juggle too many flame throwers and stay on top of what I want to do and...what I *need* to do.

All under a smoke pall.  And I'm allergic to smoke.  So on top of all my other health issues, I'm dealing with massive sinus headaches and all the rest that goes with that.

However, with that delivery schedule, I'm pretty sure I can complete the warp currently in the loom and who knows, maybe get the next one beamed, before the books arrive.

In the meantime, I keep plodding.  Still juggling health/maintenance appointments and a distinct lack of energy.  The weather continues to be 'too hot' - thank goodness I invested in a/c back in the 1980s when I was weaving full out.  

Anyway, I did get some promising news on the health front this morning, plus I've made contact with a physiotherapist and am hoping they can help me with some stretches/exercises to keep my back from deteriorating - or at least, slow it down.

Because I still have way too much yarn to weave up and I really want to continue to explore the matrix series.  I'm so close to finishing off the mercerized cotton that the incentive to keep going with that is high.  Yesterday I finished one colour and hopefully today I can start on another and get that one woven off, too.

The next two drafts are ready - they just need the loom to be nekkid.  I have one more draft I'm still ruminating on - a variation of the 'waves' draft.  Actually a third variation - one of the two that is ready is also based on the waves.  I keep thinking of ways to play with the lines, and while it looks 'ok' on the page, you never really know until it's woven if it will actually work in cloth.

Because threads shift and  move to areas of least resistance and suddenly that nice even 'grid' is gone and the threads don't line up the way you thought they would when you were fiddling with them on the paper or screen!

So, today is a bit of a pull me, push you day.  Some good things, some not so great things, all through the haze of the smoke.  When I go to the studio I may put the hepa filter on 'high' again.  Because the smoke is also in pockets on the ground and if it gets into the house even more, my allergies are going to be even less happy than they are now.  We bought the filter for covid, yes, but also for smoke.  Because over the past 10 or so years the wildfire situation has only gotten worse.  And this year is going to be another record setter.  We currently have a fleet of planes flying in and out of the airport trying to douse some of the t-storm started fires that are too close for comfort.  The good news is that at least one of them is now out and they are working hard to get the others out, too.

In the meantime, the sun continues to rise in the east and set in the west, and time marches on.  Things will happen in their own good time, no matter how impatient I may be.

Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to the loom I go!

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