
Saturday, August 5, 2023

A Book About Writing


This is a book about writing.

It is a book I wish I'd had years ago, not now when I feel as though my writing is pretty much behind me.  Or, I assume so.

Oh, sure I'll still be posting here, and that's writing, too, right?

I suppose I have to assume that years ago I simply wasn't ready to 'hear' the message that Le Guin gives.  And now?  Perhaps I am.

She gives examples of writing she admires, explains why, gives exercises for the reader to do to help improve their writing.

Now that I've written *four* (can it be that many?) 'books', do I have another one in me?  Do I care?  Do I still spend way too much time on the computer responding to questions, sticking my oar into online discussions?  In other words...writing?

Do I still need to write with clarity?  Passion, even?

Well, yes, of course I do.

It has been interesting using some of her prompts.  I long ago gave up any inclination to write fiction.  I decided that I didn't have any stories worth telling, and stuck to - what does she call it - exposition?

Textbooks.  Matter of fact explanations.  


Of course, since 2008 I've had this blog which veers frequently into 'story'.  Maybe too much, at times.

Part of the last two books (4th one still in process, not seen light of day - yet - and may never.  TBD) has been me remembering, dragging events, places, people, out of the dark recesses of my mind.  Many are simply not relevant to anyone but me.

But some of them continue to keep floating to the surface of my thoughts and I keep looking at them, examining them.  They are 'true' events, insofar as I have the visuals, not just the words which generally means I've overheard someone telling the story and remember it that way.  Just words.

This morning I began to think about the fact that these memories keep bobbing to the surface and I keep picking them up (metaphorically) and examine them from this angle, and that.  

I decided to begin writing them down, using some of the techniques Le Guin has been presenting in this little but meaty book.

Because that's how I tend to purge memories that haunt me.  I write them out.  I pin them down.  Then I can file them away again.

Will these writings ever see light of day?  Dubious.  But I'm writing them for me, no one else.

Anyway, too much peopling for me lately.  We have some big things going on (nothing dire!) and I have so few spoons these days I expect to withdraw a little from online activities while we sort things out.

If anyone needs me, contact me.  As always I will try to help, if I can.

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