
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tiny Steps


Yesterday I felt a bit better again, but this morning, not so much.  It's a roller coaster and not a very nice one.

With lots of personal maintenance appointments this week, I may not even try weaving.  Unless I feel much improved after physio tomorrow.  But that is to be determined.

Given I don't feel able to weave safely, I tackled the heap on my desk yesterday.  Some things got tossed, some put 'away', some are in time out while I consider if they can be tossed into the recycle bin or need to be kept.  

I also folded the towels that I pressed the day before and listed them in my ko-fi shop.  Last night I finished hemming the last towel in one design, and they will likely get pressed today.

There are also 4 orders to be packaged up and taken to the post office.

There are still a pile of towels to be hemmed, and I'm hoping to have them finished by the time I get the current warp off the loom.  At some point.

Mostly I'm trying to remember that I have no need to push anymore.  I'm 'retired'.  If I need a rest day or month, I can take that time.

We have some things on our 'to explore' list and if we go ahead with one of them it will mean huge upheaval in the studio.  I need to spend more time marketing my work, trying to sell it, not just make it and stack it up on the shelves.

Downsizing has been a moving target, and I must say, I've actually done fairly well, given my crumbling body.  It's just that inner me thinks I'm still 33 while my actual body is going 'hold on there, Nellie, that ship sailed a very long time ago!'

When you are a kid you can hardly wait to grow up so you can do what you want.  Unfortunately, doing what you want comes with a whole lot of 'donwanna'.  

Today I will concentrate on taking a few more tiny steps.  Package up the orders.  Go to chiro.  Mail the orders.  Nap.  Because I'm running on fumes right now, after another crap night.  And the sun is a giant orange ball, which means bad smoke in the air.  Again.  Ah, well.  This seems to be our new 'normal'.

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