
Friday, September 8, 2023

Because I Can


'four leaf clover'

This isn't really a four leaf clover, of course I know that.  But I need to name my weaving files with something that I will remember later, just in case I want to do the draft again - or modify it, use it as a stepping stone to another design.

I'm quite pleased with how this design turned out.  It took a while, requiring several iterations before I arrived at this one.  Using weaving software makes me a 'better' designer because I don't stop at one or two attempts but will keep going until I am finally satisfied I have something I want to weave.  

While I stopped exploring here and dressed the loom, as I have been weaving it I can see where I can further tweak it and create other variations.  And I probably will.  Because I'm not done with the mercerized cotton.  Yet. 

I will frequently design a different sequence for the hem area.  This can 'frame' the main body of design rather than have the motif run off the ends of the towels.  Sometimes I don't bother, but sometimes it pleases me to have such a border.

With this design the size of the motif is such that the hem 'border' will actually be hidden within the folds of the hem.  But I still chose to change the treadling for the hem.  I do that as a signal to me that I'm nearing the end of that towel.  It gives me a head's up I can stop weaving soon and I find a little spurt of energy to see me through to the end.

Not so much after the massive muscle spasm in my back.  Right now I'm only weaving for 30 minutes, which is half a towel.  But I still find that when I see the hem begin to appear in the cloth it gives me a frisson of satisfaction.  One more towel!

Does it matter I take the few minutes to add a special hem area?  Not really.  Especially when no one but me knows it exists.  But I do it because I can.  It gives me satisfaction and costs me just a few minutes of my time.  And every single time I come to the end of the towel with the signal of the end due to the changed treadling for the hem, I get another little sense of satisfaction.  Over a 20+ yard warp and 20 or so towels, that's a lot of satisfaction for little effort.

At this point in my life I am primarily weaving for me.  So the very first person I need to satisfy is me.  I hope that others will find what I do appealing, but first and foremost I am weaving, now, for myself.  To learn more.  To explore more.  To feel pleasure in the results.  But also for the physical benefits of doing some aerobic activity every day (if I can).  It is important as we age to keep physically active, within our personal health limitations.  So I weave.

We make choices every day.  I choose to focus on being creative.  Being physically active (as best I can be).  I am grateful for every day I can weave, and thankful for those who encourage me here and by purchasing my textiles on ko-fi.*  

I choose to focus on what I *can* rather than what I *can't*, although some days are easier than others to maintain that focus.  The past few years have been a whittling away of what I *can* do, which has been difficult.  So it has become ever more important to focus on the *can*.  

And keep going.  As Winston Churchill has reportedly said - when you are going through hell...keep going...

*still 3 signed copies of Stories from the Matrix on ko-fi - or purchase from blurb, print or pdf

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