
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Looming Deadlines


tension box top view

tension box side view - extra dowels for additional tension

The past month has been...challenging...but hopefully things will start to get 'better' now, instead of the constant slide downwards.

It appears that the pain I've been experiencing is not so much the damaged disc as it is the SI joint, given the diagnostic injection last week provided relief and actual improvement in my functionality.  I still feel 'fragile' but part of that is due to the loss of physical fitness I have noted over the proceeding months/years.  I'm just not as fit as I was and therefore don't have the level of strength necessary to keep doing what I've always done - before.

I should be getting an injection of corticosteroid into the joint in the next few days - just waiting for the booking clerk to phone to schedule it.  In the meantime, I will also be getting a new 'off label' drug which will hopefully help with the peripheral neuropathy in my feet.  The doctor isn't sure it will help, but is willing to let me try and see.

If, after those things happen, I feel 'better' I am hopeful I can begin building strength/fitness again.

Not being able to weave for two weeks, then only at half speed since, it has taken 'forever' to get the warp off the loom, but it happened at long last and I'm in the midst of beaming the next.

While I do the new warp, I'm taking photos.  Lots and lots of photos.  The goal is to document the process - as *I* do it - and see if School of Sweet Georgia wants to use it as supplement to the class on sectional beaming that we filmed almost exactly one year ago.  If they don't want it, I *may* offer it as a monograph.  TBD.

I'm not saying my way is the only way, or the best way, just that my way is how I've done it for about 4 decades and it has worked well for me, plus I point out things to watch out for because they can cause issues.  People interested in beaming sectionally may find this information helpful as they work through learning the process, using their equipment.  Because like everything else about weaving, it depends.

I have firm opinions about which processes/tools I prefer, but mine may not work for others.  Everyone needs to think through the process given their requirements and do what is 'best' for them.

Last I heard there were still only two people registered for the class in October and I really don't have sufficient spoons to re-design that, if it is going to be cancelled anyway.  So, I'm ignoring the fact that if it goes ahead, the drafts should already be sent out so participants can dress their loom.  There may be a mad scramble if it does go ahead.  Or I may just cancel on my own.

Much depends on how much 'better' I feel after I get the new regimen for pain control happening.

In the meantime, I'm hopeful the colours I chose for the new warp (not shown in the photo - that's an old photograph) will work nicely together after all.  I'll know better once I actually begin beaming, later today.  As always, before the actual 'work' can begin there is a boatload of preparation.  I completed most of that yesterday, but doing the photos/documentation is taking a lot longer than just going ahead and getting that warp beamed.  However, I have no appointments today, so if I can keep at it I should be able to complete that part today, process the photos and get them inserted into the document, and get that file sent off.  

And *then* I can start threading.  

New warp.  New possibilities.  What fun!

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