
Sunday, October 15, 2023

Behind the Scene


when the show was over...

Friday I did the guild program for the Tacoma, WA guild, then Saturday two seminars for the same group.

It was lovely seeing some people I hadn't seen in far too long and talk about weaving - my favourite thing to do.  

As usual I had to set up the studio to do the presentations, which meant shuffling things around to accommodate the topics with samples/examples to show and discuss.  So, I didn't do any weaving Friday or Saturday.  But I got to talk about weaving, and that was lovely.  Some great questions, some of them I had to think about.  And I love to push the boundaries of my knowledge, even when I don't *know* the answer, but give information based on my experience and extrapolate from that.  It's an example of how I think about designing new textiles.  I start with what I know, then begin to question if what I know is pertinent to the new circumstances.

But it leaves a 'mess'.  In this case it was a triple 'mess' because of doing 3 different topics all within the space of two days.

Now I get to put all that stuff 'away' and deal with setting the laptop by the loom again.

In the background, life goes on.  We have begun looking at what needs to happen to get the workmen into the studio area to install the new heat pump/furnace, and it's another snowglobe event in the studio as some of the contents of the clean storage area will need to be moved to a different part of the studio.   Which means goat trails, probably.  OTOH, we only have to move a small amount of stuff, much less than I expected, so that's a relief.  The rest of the shelving can be draped but left in place.

I can't say I'm feeling much 'better' after the injection, but not taking an opioid based pain killer I'm not having nearly as much brain fog, which has reduced my anxiety as I frantically try to find the words I want to use.  When I'm writing, it's less stress because I can pause and let my brain scramble through my words on file, but when I'm giving a spoken presentation, it's stressful when I can't find the words I want to use, especially when I *know* there is a 'better' word.  I didn't realize how much anxiety I was having until I stopped taking the opioid.

While I'm not 'pain free' I am continuing with the current approach in hopes that things will get better and the new pain med will work to control the pain I live with more effectively as the dosage increases.  Taking the naltrexone is an experiment on my part, supported by the pain doctor.  There is zero information to be found on whether or not it will work on peripheral neuropathy, no studies have been done that I can find, but after discussing the situation with the pain doctor, he agreed to write a prescription and let me run the experiment.

To that end, the neuropathy *is* less.  As for the rest, it is going to take time.  I see the physiotherapist tomorrow and her goal is to begin to strengthen my core muscles to help support the injured SI joint.  And hopefully there will be less pain from that, as well.  As for the damaged disc, the jury is out on whether that is part of the pain equation.  And at this point I just have to keep on this path and see how it plays out.

At some point the health community may throw their hands up and declare that they don't know why I have pain and I just have to live with it.  I can live with pain if I can find something to better manage it, but I don't want to continue to have decreasing 'ability' to do the things I want to do.  If I can delay further deterioration, that will be placed in the 'win' column.  Best case scenario is that I can regain some functionality.

In the meantime, covid still floats around.  There is a 'thing' online with the hashtag #SaveDavidTennant which reflects the fact that so many actors and performers are catching covid and either living with Long Covid or dying.  Fans have finally become aware that *they* can help their 'idols' be safe and are now championing audiences to wear masks during live performances.

I really hope that translates into an increase in general mask wearing.  Instead of just keeping select 'worthy' individuals safe, perhaps more people will decide to help keep *everyone* safe(r) from covid and the risk of Long Covid (and death!) and start wearing masks when out in public.

As an immune compromised person, I support this movement...

In the meantime, I am quite enjoying doing the Zoom presentations.  It's one way I can keep on teaching - and be safe.

Guilds should contact me at laura at laurafry dot com to enquire about booking a date.  Topics and fees are listed on my website 

1 comment:

  1. For what it is worth: When you drape your things in the studio before the work begins, use 2 layers. Preferably an old bed sheet with a plastic drop cloth on top taped down to keep dust from floating up underneath.
    Ask me how I know.......
    Good luck!!
