
Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Launch Day!


Tomorrow the Sectional Beaming class on School of Sweet Georgia is set to launch.

This class was particularly challenging because I didn't want to just show the process, but to include information on how to use the equipment in 'interesting' ways, including how to beam an 'ordinary' warp wound on a board or mill.  As such, there were challenges in terms of staying within the format for the class (video) and then providing documentation that (I hoped) would help people explore the possibilities for the equipment to make interesting cloth.

Sectional beaming was such a mainstay of what I did that for a time I didn't even own a board or mill.  Everything I did was done by sectional beaming.

Over the years I learned a lot about what made for 'good' sectional beaming.  I also learned how much I could glide over 'perfect' and still get 'good' results.

There are definite advantages, but also, disadvantages.  As part of the support for the video class I found myself writing a 20+ page booklet to try and address more fully some of both.

There are many people who are production weavers who use sectional beaming, whether it is with the 'standard' spool rack, or the warping wheel or square.  I don't use the latter, for reasons, which may have nothing to do with why someone else uses them.  If someone is interested in either of those, I suggest asking for advice or feedback from someone who does because like everything else about weaving, it depends.

As a new weaver, I thought I had the correct answer for everything and everyone.  Until I realized that human beings are not identical and what works for me, may not work for someone else.  Since then I have tried to help people find what will work for them, and then encourage them to do that.

A number of my Olds students, when confronted with the first requirement of their homework to document *their* method of dressing the loom would assume that meant they needed to feed what I did back to me.  I assured them that the problem was to document *their* method, not mine.  I hoped that some of what I showed them would appear in their process(es) but if not, no matter.  They certainly did NOT get marks deducted if they continued to use their own process because the point wasn't that they adopted *my* process, but to make sure they could communicate *their* process.

It was with a certain level of trepidation that I agreed to do this class for SOS because I know full well that every weaver who uses sectional beaming will have their own 'tricks' and that what I do doesn't work for everyone.  OTOH, I have used this equipment for decades and I do have opinions, hints and tips. 

So - tomorrow is launch day.  If you join for a month you can access all four of my classes, but also?  All of the SOS classes.  You can join for a year and have access to the classes for that year, plus you can ask questions on the forums and get info from others or ask me questions directly and I'll answer as best I can.

Plus you get access to the 20 page booklet of information on sectional beaming, which while not encyclopedic, was my best effort to address common issues with using it and is the only place it is available.

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