
Sunday, November 19, 2023



This cartoon from Sarah Andersen goes around from time to time and every time I see it, I nod in agreement.

Many people have talents in various things, but talent doesn't mean a person doesn't need to work at getting better.

I tell my students to use it or lose it.  I see it in my own self if I don't get to the loom for a while (like when I would be gone for 3 weeks teaching) and the first thing I had to do when I got home was 'practice'.  Because muscles need to be reminded of what you want them to do.

Weaving is a labour intensive activity, like most crafts and every 'art'.  Musicians do 'scales' or other 'practice' routines, dancers do exercises at the barre, artists do sketches, practice brush strokes, as do calligraphers - the list goes on.

A creative person does not just pick up their tools and make 'great' art or good crafts.

To then have people whiff away someone's expertise as being 'just talented' ignores the person's dedication to their craft, but it *also* puts the person saying it into the position of never exploring their own 'talent' because they won't do 'good' work when they sit down the very first time.  They then assume they have no talent and give up putting in the work to *become* better.  And it also demeans the creative person because they don't 'work' at their creative endeavours, therefore what they do has no value.  Then when the artist/craftsperson puts a 'reasonable' price on their work, the whiffers-away get annoyed because *they* have to 'work' for their money.

It reminds me of the Dire Straits song Money for Nothing.  The musicians get money for nothing while the poor guys in the store have to move refrigerators and work hard for their money.

OTOH, what is the first thing most folk do when they got *off* work?  They play music, watch tv, read a book, go to the movies or a play or a concert.  

And now?  Now we have 'artificial intelligence' creating(?) art - photoshopping images, 'writing' books, and the movie industry just lost on being able to 'steal' actors images and manipulate them to create(?) movies without paying the actor for their image - or the writers for their stories.

Anyway, my BOGO sale continues until Nov. 24 if anyone wants a bargain on some towels...

And bob help us when AI is the only source for instructions for things like textiles.  I've seen an example and it's...about as good as you think it is...

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