
Friday, January 12, 2024

Links! I got Links!


green weft on dark blue warp - colours not true

So frustrating that I cannot seem to get a decent photo of the new towels.  The warp yarns were three shades of dark blue and the weft a dark green of about the same value for this design.

Yesterday I pressed the latest towels off the loom and I have to say, I'm rather pleased with myself.  :D

No, they aren't 'perfect', but the issues are minor and they will still dry dishes.  Plus I love the colours and the play of the warp and weft.  I'll try to get photos later today - see if I can get something akin to how they actually look.  The warp is Peacock and Bleu Moyen from Brassard with navy blue weft and the tile design looks really good (*I* think).  Good enough I have come up with a few variations that I will weave.  Once the current peacock/blue warp yarn is used up, I will start weaving shawls.  (I can get 5 warps from the 32 spools of yarn, beaming sectionally.)

The past week or so I've got my calendars organized, ready to take bookings for Zoom into 2025(!)  If anyone is interested, topics and fees are on my website.  I am considering raising my fees, partly because I've been told - by *guilds* that they are too low.  A couple even sent me more than I asked for, saying that the presentation was worth more than I was asking.

Info here for 1 and 2 hour presentations.  If you book now I will honour the current fee schedule.  For US guilds, I can take a US dollar cheque, or Paypal.  For Canadian guilds, e-transfer, Paypal or cheque all work just fine.

Let me remind you of my blurb offerings - Magic in the Water (magazine format), The Intentional Weaver and Stories from the Matrix which both come in print or PDF formats.  There are still two signed copies of Stories in my ko-fi shop, along with copies of Weave a V by Kerstin Fröberg.  And of course, a bunch of tea towels, various designs and colours.

My workshops with School of Sweet Georgia are available - all four of them - and I hang out there to answer questions.  Looks like you can sign up for one month, 3 months for the full year.  You get all the classes that SOS offers for your registration - and there are lots of them.

Handwoven/Long Thread Media has a couple of classes, too.  

Don't know what winter (or summer) is like where you are, but we are in the midst of a cold 'snap'.  If we don't have to go out, we aren't.  As soon as it warms up, it should snow.  Since we only have about 8" on the ground right now, I will try very hard to not complain when it does snow.  We desperately need the snow to help protect against the drought conditions.  Seems like staying in and playing with fibre is a good way to get through the current harsh weather.

My goal this week is to sift through my photo files and choose the photos for the next book.  It's not a task I enjoy which means I'm procrastinating by doing other things instead.  OTOH, those have been ignored for far too long, so, win?

I have a couple of zoom presentations in Feb. and March.  Hopefully I will 'see' some of you one of these days, even if it is by 'remote' means.  

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