
Saturday, March 23, 2024

Old Dog, New Tricks

Typically I will do a 'birthday bash' sale the first couple of weeks of July.  Doing a 'sale' generally entails a fair amount of work on my part, so I tend to not do them frequently.  

It occurred to me last night that ko-fi might offer the option of creating a discount coupon, so I rummaged around late last night, and voila, they do.  So I did.  Or at least, I tried to.

From now until April 1 I have a discount code for tea towels.  

This past year has seen some rather large expenses, and now I need new glasses.  Since we are on a fixed income, I guess I need to stimulate some sales of my stuff.  Not to mention, I'm running out of room on the shelves with two boxes of tea towels that need to be put away, and more tea towels coming off the loom.

I may not be weaving nearly as much as I used to do, but I *am* still weaving.

The code should be good for any item in my ko-fi shop with the tag 'tea towel' and is 20%.  For US readers, prices are in Canadian dollars, so you also get the exchange rate 'discount'...

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