
Saturday, April 6, 2024

Fwipping Along


Since I am in the mindset of 'getting rid of stuff', and I am about to launch a ginormous book auction for the guild, I sorted through my bobbin lace books and decided I could actually live without some of mine, as well as the ones I 'inherited' from a past weaving/lace making friend.

I've just gone through the books and will be endeavouring to decipher eBay auctions (again), maybe tomorrow.

In the meantime, I have the following bobbin lace books for sale.  These are the auction upset prices.  If I need to mail them, add $22 to the auction price.

All of the books (both mine and Jean's) are from non-smoking households.  Some have minor wear and tear but most are in 'good' condition.

Bobbin Lace Books

Barber, Jacqui.  Tradition into Creation.  Soft cover $20

Brooke, Margaret. Lace in the Making $10

Collier, Ann.  Lace Fans.  Soft cover $20

Collier, Ann. Lace for Dolls and Dolls’ Houses $20

Cook, Bridget and Geraldine Stott.  The Book of Bobbin Lace Stitches $30

SOLD Dyer, Anne.  Copper Wire Lace.  Soft cover $20 SOLD

Earnshaw, Pat.  Bobbin and Needle Laces; Identification and care.  Hard back.  $30

Earnshaw, Pat.  Threads of Lace; from source to sink.  Soft back.  $20

Eveleth, Lolita.  Chart for lace Identification and the Meshes of Handmade Lace $10

Maidment. Margaret. A Manual of Hand-Made Bobbin Lace Work  $20

Nottingham, Pamela. Complete Book of English Bobbin Lace  $40

SOLD Raffel, Marta Cotterell.  The Laces of Ipswich,  soft cover  $20 SOLD

Stott, Geraldine and Bridget Cook.  100 Traditional Bobbin Lace Patterns.  Soft cover $30

Woods, Sandi.  Special Effects in Bobbin Lace $45

 If there is anything here you want to purchase before I set the auction up, let me know.  I can accept Paypal, or payment by 'donation' to my ko-fi page, or if you are in Canada, etransfer.  Prices will be listed in Canadian dollars, so USians will get the current currency exchange 'discount'.  Once the auction begins, it will have to run until the time is over.  If you want any of these books for the upset price, let me know asap.


  1. I would like to have the Ipswich lace book please? My lace group has an Ipswich project underway, and I want to display a copy that isn't my marked up one....

  2. I decided on the copper wire one too, if it's still available. I intend to take a class in that at the next opportunity. Let me know how to proceed. You can use my email address from the comment system, I think.

  3. email me at laura at laurafry dot com

    Or pay via Paypal or via my ko-fi shop so that I have your mailing address. I'll set both aside for you.
