
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Stuff Dreams Are Made Of...


The good news?  The linen got delivered on Tuesday.

The bad news?  It wasn't delivered to *us*.

The story is long and convoluted, but kudos to spouse (who used to work in shipping, both sending and receiving) and eventually yesterday he 'found' the box, by being persistent.

It was a huge relief, not just because I was going to be out a significant amount of money that I'd paid for the linen (never a cheap purchase, plus international shipping, etc.) but mostly?  All of the dreams I'd been having, thinking about what I could make with this lovely yarn.

For all the years I was in business, I have to say I rarely 'lost' a shipment.  A few things here and there have gone astray, but generally, most things make it to their destination.  When we realized the box had gone AWOL, it hit me kind of hard.  I mean, I've been trying really hard to weave up my stash, and then ordered 5 kilos of this very fine linen, which meant I was going to also need to order more cotton to use as warp.  

Truth to be told, I was feeling more than a little guilty I'd spent the money.  For it to then go missing felt like a rebuke from the universe.  I was just glad I hadn't actually ordered the cotton!

But Doug knows the ways of shipping companies, has developed a pretty good relationship with local operators at FedEx, and between him being persistent and a FedEx staffer who was willing to give him actual customer service, they 'found' the 'missing' box.

Today I have light duties scheduled, in part because I cut the last of the previous warp off the loom, and today I have massage.  It seemed like having a light duty day was the best approach.

So there are 18 towels to be pressed, an article to finish and get emailed (still need to take a couple photos), and then sit down with the Brassard colour card and start drawing up the order of 2/16 cotton to use as warp for the white linen.  And get the loom ready for the shawl warp. I need to strip the old warp off, add the leader strings for 6 more sections (for 30" width), remove the beige tubes of cotton from the spool rack and put the 2/16 black (and some blue) on for the shawls.

I'm hoping to get the shawl warp beamed over the next couple of days, then threaded, sleyed and ready to weave on.  But my back isn't very happy right now, and I also need a few days of light duty after my next spinal injections, next week.  But hopefully once those 'take' I'll be able to get back to weaving - and living - with less discomfort.

(And yes, the FedEx staffer who helped find the box will be getting a couple of tea towels as a thank you!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, well done and hurrah for all persistence in the face of wayward boxen! I am glad it's found.
