
Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Little Progress


Having made some progress over the past couple of days, I decided I'd better get the next draft ready.  I'm not sure I'll actually do this one as it is very similar to the other one, so I'll think on it for a bit.

In the meantime, I've decided to do one more warp with 2/8 and the 'mystery' yarn, partly because it weaves up so quickly, but mostly because I can weave the rest of the samples for the articles I'm writing on it.  And then I can do the wet finishing, analyze the results and write the articles.

Besides, I'm enjoying how quickly 'fat' yarn weaves up!

It will also give me a little time to think through how many samples I will need, read some resources and then get cracking.  My goal is to have both articles written, proof-read (if my alpha reader has the time), finalized and mailed off by the end of August.  That will give them plenty of time to do their end - the editing, photographing, formatting, etc.  And then get the galley proof (as were) to me for a final read through.

Just like with weaving, the prep work in publishing is all iceberg - what you get to see is only the tiny tip of the effort involved.

I have been given permission to say what magazine these are for, but Impostor Syndrome popped up and quashed that suggestion - at least until after they approve what I submit!  So, one more reason to get them done 'early', because I don't want to say anything until I know for sure they like what I do...

The stacks of books are in my office, but I think I'm going to bring some of them out to my chair in the living room.  Maybe read them instead of playing Scrabble Go or doom scrolling on the iPad.

We have had several days of grey weather, and bouts of rain.  Everyone is trying really hard to not be upset at the rain, we so desperately need it.  Yesterday another small town in the northern part of the province was issued with an evacuation order.  So far we have not had much in the way of smoke, in no small part due to the rain.  I won't actually be too disappointed if we have a cool, wet summer, after the awfulness of last year.


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