
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Planning Ahead


This warp is being used for multiple purposes.  I needed some plain weave samples, plus I am still trying to use up my yarn stash, making towels.  

Since I knew that the plain weave would draw in differently than the twill, it made a lot more sense for me to weave the plain weave first, then the twill.

The photo clearly shows the difference in draw in from the plain weave woven with 2/8 cotton, and the twill woven with the mystery yarn (possibly 6/2 cotton).

If you don't know this happens, and wind up weaving the part that will draw in more first, then switching to the cloth that will draw in less, the 'extra' width will then have nothing to support it.  This can cause all kinds of tension issues at the selvedge.  (Ask me how I know!)

You can do two things - cut off and re-tie, or as the wider width rolls onto the beam you can add warp packing sticks to help provide the necessary support.

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