Arrived about thirty minutes late as the plane was late arriving in Seattle. My hostess had booked a limo for the two hour drive. I felt very pampered! My first time in a limo. ;)
There are eight in the class so a nice size. Not too large, I should be able to give everyone lots of attention.
Two hours difference so I am hoping I can get to sleep right away. Two hours doesn't seem like it should be an issue.
Looking forward to meeting the class tomorrow.
And I forgot to put my phone into the suitcase, so no photos! Unless I remember that the iPad also takes pictures. ;)
Going to go get my workshop stuff organized and head for bed with a book.
It's a tricky thing - bedtime reading. If I read anything too 'exciting' (either scary or interesting), I have trouble winding down and going to sleep. Hope you have a great time in Houston!