In 1975 I was looking for a career that would fascinate me for the rest of my life. In a way, weaving chose me!
Saturday, April 20, 2013
The End (of sorts)
The warp is now cut off the loom so the weaving is done. With weaving however there are so many 'ends' (pun intended) that the actual shuttle throwing is just the beginning. As weavers we cannot forget that it still needs to be wet finished. Or that many times what we are making is the raw material for someone else.
In this case, that someone else is still me, but the cloth is intended to be cut and sewn so although the weaving is finished, I'm not. :)
Doug got two pieces pressed yesterday and I think the cloth is going to make dandy summer tops. Our summer, perhaps, not a Texas summer, but I don't live in Texas. :^)
The pale cloth on the left was woven with a fine pale blue slub so is somewhat heavier and more textured than the one on the left which was woven with the same 2/16 cottolin in the lighter turquoise as weft. It has a lovely handle and I'm anxious to get to Sweden and have a sewing tutorial. I know how I'd deal with this fabric if I didn't have expert advice, but I'm sure Kerstin has lots of hints and tips for efficiently dealing with a somewhat 'soft' cloth. Because it is soft, it should drape really well and wear comfortably.
On another front, I am not so 'comfortable'. The tooth I damaged on Thursday began twingeing after lunch, then settled down into a dull ache. Concerned, I phoned for an 'emergency' appointment with the dentist covering my dentist's practice while she is away. They won't guarantee being able to fix it but will look at it at 5:30 today. I will do my best 'stiff upper lip with tremble' in hopes of a pity emergency appointment on Monday.....
Trying to find a dentist in Sweden and/or the UK just doesn't seem like it would be very much fun....
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