
Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Canada

Doug in the office with the 'new' curtains

close up of cloth on the loom

So, Happy Birthday office.  Nearly.

Yesterday I decided that I could no longer ignore that rather long list of things to-be-done.  Doug is going to beam a new warp on the AVL and I couldn't stand the thought of the decrepit apron on that loom any longer.  So last night I fused the fusible inter-lining to one end of the new fabric for the apron and this morning dragged the sewing machine out and started working on that.  While the machine was out I figured what the heck.  Might as well start on the office curtains before the old ones simply fell off the rod...

It's not a pretty sight - it's a very quick-and-dirty job, nothing to brag about, certainly wouldn't earn me any gold stars in sewing class.  But I do know enough about curtains having worked in a custom drapery house, to hang the curtains for a while to let any stretching that is going to happen, happen, before hemming.

I rather suspect that they are going to hang for a very long time before I next get a round tuit.  Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

This afternoon I'll finish the apron so that it can be installed for the new warp, plus there are two small demo warps to be wound for NEWS.  Then the suitcase will be unpacked and re-packed for NEWS as well.  I'll put all my Magic teaching stuff into the bottom, then the day before I leave (one week from today!) the stuff for The Efficient Weaver will go in along with my personal items.

I noticed recently that some airlines are changing the maximum size for carry on luggage so I'm going to try to get friendly with my new, smaller, carry on bag and get used to having less actually with me and more in my checked bag.

Not sure I'm going to make it to the scarves today, but perhaps one scarf?  There are so many yet to do, after all....

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