
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Not Over - Yet


I lose track of the days, when I started something, so I don't remember exactly when I put this warp on the beam.  I've had a few days that, for one reason or another, I didn't make my two towels a day goal, so I'm not quite done with this warp.  Yet.  Four more towels to weave, Zoom meeting this afternoon, an extremely rare in person meeting tomorrow with a friend who has been as isolated as we have been.  She will come here, we will set out physically distant chairs in the studio and wear masks.  Just to be on the safe side.  Because covid.

Our Christmas this year is more brown than white and we woke to another grey dreary day.  There have been a very long string of those in 2020.  OTOH, maybe it was for the best.  Since it was pretty dismal outside there was less incentive for people to be out and about, gathering at the lakes or parks.

As is our wont, we had a very quiet day yesterday and will continue to have quiet days for the foreseeable future.

It's looking like I won't be able to get vaccinated any time soon.  Doug can probably get one before I do and he will, as soon as he can.  Because he does the most out-of-the-house errands and is potentially exposed to more people than I am.   The list of who gets the vaccine as a priority was posted last week and we both agree with everyone on that list getting it before we do.  We are retired, and right now, pretty 'retiring', willing to not go out, wear masks when we do.

I have begun spinning my fibre stash with no real goal except to convert the fibre to yarn.  As for evening handwork, the tea towels have kept me pretty busy with hemming so I haven't picked up my knitting for a while.  Tomorrow's visit means I will likely get some knitting done as well as today during the Zoom meet.  And I will think on what to do with my handspun.  I've got a tonne of shawls that I knitted with my commercial yarns so I don't really want to make more of those.  At least spinning the yarn first, before I can knit, means I won't be knitting nearly as much as just plucking cones/balls off my shelves, churning out one shawl after another.  Plus we haven't been meeting in person for stitchnbitch since Thanksgiving.

But I'm nearly done this pale grey warp.  I used up a bunch of nearly empty tubes by using up the leftover grey, then started on the same blue as in the warp.  I will have three partial tubes left, enough to weave another six or so towels.  But after the red/orange I am switching to other things.  Like finish off that grey place mat warp.  Then start weaving scarves.  

2021 will continue to be Weave Down My Stash.  Because that is far from over, too.

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