
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

And in the Evenings


bin of skeins spun, ready for wet finishing

Once I put the puzzle board away, I brought out my espinner and started spinning the rolags I had made, oh, two years ago?  I try to spin one bobbin a night, although I don't always make it.  Since beginning this dive into my fibre stash, I already have 8 skeins spun, plied and wet finished and even wound into balls.  

There are four skeins in the studio ready for wet finishing, the 8 above in the photo also ready for wet finishing, and four more bobbins ready to be plyed.  This yarn is being plyed with a textured rayon that is just the right colour and will add a bit of 'sparkle' to the yarn.  

Since I already have a couple dozen shawls knitted up, ready for donations, I've been toying with making cowls.  But honestly?  I just don't know.  

I no longer chide myself with the fact that I'm not a good spinner.  I enjoy making the rolags, playing with colour, then spinning them up to see how the colours work together.  So far I've been happy with what I've done, even when I've been working with colours that are not my personal preference.

There is still hemming to be done.  A couple more blue towels and then the red ones.  

But I'm also going to try weaving place mats on the Leclerc and then there will be hemming again.  Still.

The daylight hours are increasing but the days mostly remain grey and far too warm for January.  However I welcome the coming spring and summer and am hoping for walking weather sooner, rather than later.  

This week is filled with appointments.  Today we will go out together because we both have dental hygiene, then to the post office to mail some parcels, and then because the shop is just down the street, I will drop my serger off for servicing.  I was going to wait until the hemming was done, but obviously that isn't going to be for a while.  And the machine gets very dirty because I use it to serge unfinished cloth.  It fills up with lint.  So it will go into the shop and get a freshening up.  The poor service guy always seems to cringe when I come in, knowing the job he has ahead of him.  :)  Plus I need more serger yarn and I can't find my bottle of sewing machine oil so I'll buy another.  And then, no doubt, find the other.  But never mind.

While I may not do handwork in the evenings, I like to have some to do.  Or ignore, such as the case may be.

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