
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

A Rare Trip

  I just now returned from getting my hair cut.

I see a hair dresser who works from home and we talked about what she has needed to do to keep seeing clients.  There was a period of time when all hairdressers (among others) were shuttered, not allowed to see clients/patients.  When they could re-open, there were regulations they had to meet for sanitizing between clients, not having a waiting room with several people sitting.  Wearing masks.

My chiropractor installed a plexi shield for their receptionist, but also cut down how many patients they saw in a day so that there was no crowd in the waiting room.  They also removed half of the seating to make sure there was 6 feet of distance between anyone, in case of more than one person waiting to go in.  Now as soon as the room has been cleaned the client is put into the treatment room.  Again, minimizing the time the receptionist and client spend in the outer office.

My hair dresser and I talked about how we would most likely continue to wear a mask in the future, especially if we had a cold.  I said that - in the unlikely event - I would fly somewhere, I would wear a mask.  I can't count how many times I have caught a cold on a flight because someone on the plane was sneezing and hacking, not covering their mouths, spreading their germs for everyone to share.

We talked about how much we missed getting together with friends for a coffee/visits and agreed the polar vortex cold snap had been a bit of a shock, but how much we appreciated the blue skies and brilliant sun that came with it.

The days are obviously longer in terms of daylight, which helps remind us that February is nearly over.  OTOH, there is a big snowstorm predicted for the province set to arrive soon, possibly tonight.  So winter isn't nearly done, yet.

I have one more towel to weave on the current warp, then cut/serge and pop into the washing machine and dryer.  They will get pressed tomorrow - or later this afternoon.  It will depend if I get caught up in the Power Point presentation for this Saturday (and subsequent study groups - this Saturday is a guild 'workshop' - via Zoom).  I need to get cracking on it as doing it this weekend means the deadline got moved up a lot sooner than it was scheduled for presenting.

Plus I still have to finalize the column for Handwoven (and hope they approve).  If I put my mind to it I could fine tune the one they turned down and offer it to another publication.

But all of that means I have to stop procrastinating and go do something, other than sit here at the desktop.  I do have a couple of emails to deal with so I'll tackle those first so I don't forget.  And then go weave that last towel and call that warp done.

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