
Wednesday, February 3, 2021



Yesterday someone referred to me as an 'influencer'.  I nearly spewed my coffee.  Because I am in no way an 'influencer' the way the term is used in the 21st century.  

At least, I don't think I am.

But I thought about what the word 'influence' meant.

According to the Oxford Concise Dictionary, "Action of person or thing upon another, perceptible only in its effects".

And I have to admit, I do try to influence people.

My first area of trying to influence people was most likely wet finishing.  I even went so far as to write a book about it.

Another area of influence has been to work efficiently/ergonomically.

Over the years I encouraged people to buy my textiles, my books, hire me to teach.  My efforts at education continue, even though I am 'retired' from travelling to do so.

On a personal level, I would like to also encourage people to build community, not just within the weaving world, but beyond it.  Be kind.  Build bigger tables, not walls.  Celebrate when someone does something grand, or even just satisfying.  Our society gets so focused on the 'grand' gestures that we forget that the day to day 'ordinary' acts of kindness can seem small or inconsequential to us, but might be huge to the person you are being kind to.  

None of us know the load another person is carrying, but rest assured, we are all labouring under the huge weight of these 'interesting' times.

For the past year I have also tried to influence people to accept the current pandemic measures.  We are all getting weary of it.  We are longing for the restrictions to be lifted.  Life to return to some semblance of 'normal'.

But here's the thing.  If we don't continue to follow the essential basic measures?  The pandemic will continue.  And, as it continues, the virus will mutate.  It already has.  Someone posted a meme the other day that said "A virus can't mutate if it can't replicate".  

We need to stop the spread and we do that by staying home as much as possible.  Wear a mask (double up for extra protection) when we do go out.  Don't gather with people outside of your bubble.  Wash your hands.  Get the vaccination as soon as it becomes available to you.

Stay safe.  Stay well.  Stay covid aware.  So that we CAN meet again in person next year.


  1. It was Dr. Fauci who made the comment about no mutation without replication.

  2. I read your blog every morning and it DOES influence my day in a good way. I am encouraged to continue to weave and create, maintain isolation from Covid, and keep up my spirits. You are an influencer!
