
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Pandemic Days - Random Thoughts


Not sure if it is because of the pandemic or that I'm 'retired' but each day has a sameness about it.

This warp, beamed the end of February, is now down to the dregs.  Two more towels, which should get woven off this afternoon, and the warp will be done.

I continue to work on the Power Point presentations and nearly every weekend has at least one Zoom meeting scheduled.  For how long?  At least until October.

With the Sunday Seminars being received well, I have begun booking more speakers for 2022.  January is scheduled, a list of other potential speakers has been worked on.  Once I get through a few 'looming' deadlines, I will start slowly booking more, if people are able and willing.

I rarely go out these days and frankly?  I'm not missing it much.  I do hope that we will soon be able to gather in person - in small groups, in well ventilated spaces.  Warmer weather means I can host small gatherings in my carport.

Last night I changed my mind - yes, again! - about which warp to put into the Megado next.  There is also that 'last' place mat warp to be woven off.  Then I'll have to think about what to use the Fanny for in the future.  I won't get rid of it yet as it is useful for shorter warps that I wind on a board.  Like the rayon chenille - of which I have way too much.  

Last night I finished spinning the bin of blending board 'worms' that I'd prepared over two years ago and once those bobbins are plyed the fibre stash will come out and I'll make more.  Which means more fluff flying around.  There seems little point in vacuuming or sweeping until I'm done with that mess.

This weekend we will change to daylight savings time.  Again.  I've always disliked the time change, even more after I found out that we weren't actually doing it to 'help the farmers'.   The farmers didn't even make the change - like Saskatchewan, which has never made the change, or parts of BC which also never subscribed to making the change.  

There is a restlessness in the air, too.  Between spring arriving and vaccinations, people are feeling anxious for covid restrictions to be lifted, to be able to hug family and friends, gather to laugh and just be in each other's company.  I admit to some of that, but I am also well practiced in waiting.  So while I keep an eye on the vaccination schedule, I'm not too worried about it.  I have a wardrobe of masks and little desire to go out and about, just yet.

We are not through this pandemic yet.  Getting shots into arms takes a great deal of logisitical planning to move that many people safely through the process.  I am more than happy to let the professionals get their ducks in a row, their butterflies in formation.  And continue to wear a mask while out until herd immunity is achieved - sometime this summer.  A gentle reminder that the vaccination does not confer instant protection but takes a couple of weeks before the immune system works out it's logistics for defense.

Take a deep breath, everyone.  Spring is coming.  So are the vaccines.  

Stay safe.  Stay well.  Stay covid aware.

Hugs to all who need one.

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