
Monday, March 29, 2021

Peach and Rose


Yesterday I didn't go to the loom but took a day 'off' from weaving.  Instead I puttered, thought (subliminally) about the next warps I wanted to do.  Then collected the yarn for another warp.  This one will go into the loom after the beige warp that will have the last of the black and the forest green used as weft.

In this photo, the tubes standing in the bottom are the warp - shades of peach, pink and beige with a variegated that has all of those plus blue and green.  The tubes laying flat on top are the cotton flake I want to use up.  When these are used up the rest of the warp will be woven in white.

These bins have been a real help over the years in so many ways.  From sorting and storing the pages and samples for Magic in the Water, through general storage, through sorting and packing teaching samples for teaching the Olds classes, to organizing the upcoming warps, they have been helpful in keeping me organized and on track.  

They stack and are clear, so I can fill and then stack them in a corner or on shelves.  They aren't so big that they are too heavy to carry.  (From being able to carry two at once, I can only manage one - because bad back.)

After the re-organization when I shut down my business, I now have more floor space and the bins can sit on the floor or stacked, as space permits.

Just because I didn't throw a shuttle yesterday doesn't mean I wasn't doing something productive.  Planning ahead, making sure I'm happy with my yarn choices, being able to see how much yarn I have so I know if I can actually do what I plan, is very helpful.  

I'm not saying I won't replace some of this yarn in the future, but right now, stash reduction is the goal.  Using up the yarn suitable for towels gives me a sense of progress and actual productivity.

The past year has been fraught with uncertainty and stress.  Being able to stay somewhat organized in the studio has given me a place to feel as though I am somewhat in control.  Somewhat competent.  Somewhat creative.

The sun is trying to shine today, but not really succeeding.  At least I can go to the loom and weave a couple of towels and feel some sensation of satisfaction.  And these nice spring colours are calling to me.  But first I have to finish the current warp and do the next one - the beiges with black and green.  And then this one will go into the loom.  Who knows, maybe by then spring will have actually arrived instead of just hinting that it's around the corner.

Currently reading Carrion Comfort by Ailine Templeton

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