
Friday, April 23, 2021

Not Bored


As expected, I got four towels each from the peach and the rose.

The peach is a lighter value than the rose and the towels look quite different.  On the peach towel, where all the colours are approximately the same value, the overall look is more subdued with slight differences in hue giving the cloth some extra interest.

The rose was a darker value and therefore the warp is showing in greater contrast and most people would be hard pressed to tell these towels had been woven on the same warp.

I am about to begin the beige, which is an even lighter value than the peach, and then finish whatever warp is left with white, also much lighter value.  

People sometimes wonder how I can weave the 'same' thing over and over again.  I enjoy it.  I have the technical stuff (width in reed, epi, tieup/treadling, dimensions) all figured out.  All I need concern myself with is choosing the colours and then watch the cloth grow on the loom.  I'm not constantly looking for more stimulation, so I can stay in the present moment and just keep weaving more and more of the same quality of cloth, playing with different colour combinations.  

I could change things, but I'm happy with the quality of cloth that is being made, so I'm content to stay in a comfortable 'rut' and keep weaving down my stash.

There may come a time when I decide that I want to design something new and completely different every time I go to the loom.  But for now?  Now is not that time.

Thing is, whatever you do?  If you are happy, keep doing that thing.

If it brings joy, keep it.  If it doesn't, get rid of it.  I suspect Marie Kondo has it right.

1 comment:

  1. I like you take on this. I find I love working in plain weave with only color being the challenge. But sometimes I wonder if I "shouldn't" be challenging myself more. But since it brings me the most pleasure, I will continue, at least in these times of anxiety and external challenge!
