
Sunday, July 4, 2021

My Projects


My life has been filled with Big Projects.  Some of them were financially successful.  Others?  Were not.

But the Project itself felt...worthy... to me and so I invested my time (and in most cases $$$) getting them done.

A few years back I encouraged Kerstin Fröberg to translate her monograph to English and add information for rising shed looms, then published it.  I still have copies if anyone is interested.  $25 inc postage to the US and Canada.

The Intentional Weaver is also self published and available on  If you scroll down to the bottom of the page you will find the link to the website where this publication can be purchased, either hardback or PDF version.  Also?  This one:

Another Big Project - two actually - are the DVDs that I did with (then) Interweave Press, still available via Handwoven/Long Thread Media as on line workshops.

And of course, I'm still weaving.  My Birthday Bash Sale continues until midnight July 9.  Link in the lower left hand corner of your screen.  (Or my screen, at least.)

Other projects were time sensitive and long over - conferences, mini-publications with samples, and the on-going Sunday Seminars

I am also hosting study groups on line and investigating other opportunities for continuing with on-line teaching in the coming year(s).

What all of this Big Project activity means is that my house and studio are in a constant state of upheaval.  I used to moan about the clutter, the mess.  Now I just do the Big Project and try not to fuss too much about the clutter and mess.  It's a constant state of flux and things get done and Big Projects come to a conclusion.

And then?  Then I'm usually off on the spark for the next Big Project.

And so it goes.

Currently reading A Quantum Life by Hakeem Uluseyi

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