
Monday, September 6, 2021

What Matters


Instead of half a shelf full of cones of hand dyed silk, I now have...this.  The cones on the shelf are too little to make a scarf warp, and I'll have to come up with something else, find some other approach.  The cones on the floor are three different dye lots, each one with what ought to be enough for a scarf warp.

I've just finished threading the next warp.  It was the last of the royal blue/fuchsia variegated.  Which ran out before I finished winding the warp.  One cone still had yarn left on it, so I tied in a solid blue, commercially dyed, nearly the same as the colour of blue in the hand dyed yarn.  And kept winding.  And then the other cone of variegated ran out, with the warp shy four ends.

Now I could have spent who knows how long (too long!) rooting through the recycle bins for bits of yarn the right colour.  Or I could accept that a scarf warp, 10" in the reed at 27 epi wasn't really going to show that it was short 4 ends.  Even if it meant the right and left selvedges weren't exactly the same.  It would take another eagle eyed weaver to notice the slight difference.

So I could spend 15, 20, maybe more minutes of my time, or I could just accept that this warp will be short four ends.

Today I took 'off' for a while.  Long enough to finish the library book that is due tomorrow so that it, along with two others, can be returned.  And two more picked up.  Three if that third one in the queue gets processed.  

With a very busy time coming up (if all of the plates stay spinning on their sticks), today - Labour Day - seemed like the perfect day to just take some time to sit and read.  And not think too much about anything.

We all get old - if we are lucky.  I think maturity or wisdom, perhaps, comes with recognizing when something matters.  And when it doesn't.  

There is still time today to sley the warp, then lash it on and then wind bobbins so that I can begin weaving on the current warp tomorrow.  If I go start now.  Seems like a good thing to do to finish off a day in celebration of Labour.  And then continue on  my quest to reduce my stash by winding three more warps - the last three colours for which there is enough yarn to wind a scarf warp - and keep going, picking away at my stash.  Seems my week is planned.

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