
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Zoom Zoom


Today I signed the agreement to do another Zoom guild program - just need to scan and email it.  I thought about what I wanted to say while I wove today.  Right now the loom is behaving (I may regret saying that 'out loud') and the yarns are as well,  This gives me time to think about other things as I need only surface attention to the act of weaving.

With a pandemic continuing and environmental disasters happening, not to mention my reluctance to deal with dark o'clock flights, I cannot see myself traveling in person to teach again.  However, I do still have things I would like to share with people and Zoom presentations seem to have reached a level of acceptance, which gives me hope I can continue using the internet.

I've sent my documentation off to the team for post production, and they continue to work on the editing, then the format (they have graphic designers), then eventually the captioning will be added.  They will set up a mechanism for me to maintain contact with people taking the class on line.  

Once the two classes have been settled, I expect that we will begin working on the seminars that I developed and have been running - informally - on line.  I'm quite excited about doing those because they really do delve into the nitty gritty of the craft.  They are for people who want to understand more about the principles and are intrigued by all the facets of the 'it depends' considerations.

Get a group of 10 weavers together and ask for feedback on something and you will get 12 or more answers.  Because so much depends on the specific circumstances involved.  Learning how to anticipate those variables will help people to understand a reasonable approach.

And right now?  Helping people understand those really keeps me going!

In the meantime, in the face of current events, I keep weaving, using up my stash as best I can.  I'm nearly done the current warp so I started pulling yarns for the next.  Same quality of yarn, but I had to really stretch myself in terms of what colours I would put together.  And then hope I had enough yarn to use as weft without winding up with fugly fabric.  Time will tell.

Stay safe everyone.  Stay weaving (or knitting or spinning or whatever you do with fibre).

1 comment:

  1. Zoom sounds the perfect answer, especially with some experts to help you with the presentation.
