
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Rust Red


I finished the rust/red scarf this morning.  Again, the tie up is not 'balanced' - iow, I lift fewer shafts than I leave down to make it easier to treadle.  One side looks very rust because the textured weft dominates.  The other side shows more of the warp and the weave structure shows up more.

This is the last of the rust.  While there is some yarn left on the cone there isn't enough to weave another scarf, so that cone has now been transferred to the knitting stash.  Which has been growing as I have been weaving down more of my rayon weaving stash yarns.

We had a bit of a dump of snow today and everything is looking very winter-y and pretty.  It's cold enough that the snow is 'dry', so light and fluffy.  Better yet, the roads are in not bad driving condition.  I'm just getting ready for an appointment in less than an hour and am grateful that the roads are not slippery.

Before I stopped for lunch, I finished this scarf and was able to just get started on the next one.  This time the weft is a dark navy blue.  The more weft faced side is *very* navy, but the other side should be pretty with flecks of the rust red and green peeping through.  At least, that's the plan.  I didn't get enough woven to see the other side properly.

I'm hoping to get to the halfway point on the navy when I get home from my appointment and if I have any spoons left, maybe do some more fringe twisting.  But I didn't sleep well last night and a nap may be required.

We are one day closer to the solstice when the sun begins to return and the daylight hours grow longer.  I don't need an advent calendar, I need a solstice calendar...  

Time marches on, as they say.

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