These towels are my shingles towels. I had just cut the last warp off and was about to beam the next when I got the diagnosis and it took me at least a week, maybe a bit longer, before I felt up to even attempting to beam the warp. Not knowing if I would be able to thread it, I took my time, checked, double, checked, triple checked, and in the end I had only two heddles where the thread had gone into the space about the 'eye' of the TexSolv heddle and were quickly spotted and fixed. Not bad considering I was still only able to see out of one eye. It would take closer to two weeks before the swelling went down enough the patch was becoming useless. Irritating, in fact.
Unsure of my strength or stamina, I started slowly, at first only one towel a day. But then I felt able to do two and after that managed two per day nearly every day.
The top of that pile consists of the 8 I cut off the loom this morning and in the photo they are still not wet finished. Notice how much smaller the wet finished ones are.
I succeeded in emptying another handful of tubes but I'm not using up all of a single colour on a warp. I don't want large numbers of the same colour in the same design. So on this warp, the emerald and green, the dark red and rose, then the blue and salmon pretty much still live on my shelves. But shrinking.
The blue and salmon are in the washing machine and will be added to this pile soon enough. I still have 20 of the previous warp to hem so the pile will about double once these are added to it.
Time for me to get stuck into the hemming (as an English friend would say).
The next warp is designed, but until I'm done the pressing I won't set up the spool rack and tension box. My studio is still not a tardis and I can only do one or the other as they happen in the same space.
Still, progress has been slowly happening. Check my ko-fi shop for the next towel(s) on offer. Posting those next.
They’re a tribute to your tenacity.