
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Ready, Set, Go!


Yesterday dawned dreary with a fine light snow blowing in sideways.  It matched my mood perfectly and I vegged for far too long before I finally hie'd myself to the loom.  It didn't take long to strip the left over warp off the beam and I already had the spool rack set up because it's the same as the last one and eventually I got started beaming.  

By 3 pm I was just over halfway done but it was time for meds so I left it and came up to take yet more pills and drop more drops into my left eye, then sat for a while before I could find enough energy to get back down there.

So it was 4 pm and time for the next set of drops and I still wasn't quite done.  I had two choices - I could keep going and finish and be late for my drops, or I could stop, do the drops (like a good little human being) and finish it afterwards.

In the end I chose to do the adult thing, did the drops, then went back down to finish the last three sections, transfer the warp to the stick I use for the purpose, then set up in front of the loom.

The draft had already been crunched a few days ago, so all I had to do was print it out (which I'd done before heading down in the first place), remove the beater top, reed and breast beam, set up the typing clip/holder thingee and find my pencil, then set up my extra task lighting.  I also have one light at the back of the loom that helps me see behind the heddles.  On a grey day this can be a life saver.

But I'd run out of energy and decided the best policy was to leave it for morning before digging in.

My goal for today is to thread the warp - a fairly straight forward twill block design - another I cadged from Ars Textrina and shared a while ago - because my focus still isn't great.  Neither my mental focus or my visual.  OTOH, I doubt I'll get it all threaded because I have appointments in the afternoon and the eye doctor usually takes nearly two hours.  

But I'll do what I can and if I don't get started weaving until the weekend, that's ok, too.  

My life is getting back to "pandemic normal" and this Sunday I have a Zoom meeting, then another the following Sunday plus a guild presentation coming up.  At least I managed a haircut, so I don't feel quite so shaggy.

A reminder of how this warp will look - with any luck.

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