
Friday, February 4, 2022

Sunny Day


After several days of snow/sleet/rain, we have achieved yellow thingee in the sky today.

Since seeing the eye doc on Tuesday, I have been noticing tiny baby steps of improvement.  Yesterday I managed to finish trimming the last of the scarves, then put away all the stuff required for the pressing and trimming.  Today I am seriously considering getting the next warp set up and see if I can manage to start beaming it.

The big thing right now is to not 'over' do anything and cause a back slide.  Or push my back too hard.  I seem to be alternating days of being able to mange and...not being able to manage.  

So I distract myself as much as possible with other things.  I read - a little.  I work on a jigsaw puzzle - a little.  I scroll through the internet.  Sometimes I even manage to chat with friends on messenger.  Seems like hardly anyone emails anymore.  My inbox used to be full of chatty emails.  Now it's mostly spam.  

Progress continues on the next class with SOS.  I reviewed the video and again I'm pleased with having Felicia participate in the fulling.  It works well to have someone else on camera to add their perspective and participate in the process.  What most people don't seem to realize is that fulling significantly can be quite physical.  

We have a launch date, for mid-month - I'll share when I have a firm date.  

In the meantime we continue to isolate as much as possible because Omicron continues to make it's way through our health region.  And the one thing I do NOT need to is catch covid on top of the shingles.  

I am going to enjoy the gift of a lovely sunny day, secure in the knowledge that there is no where I have to go and can stay off the roads.  While I desperately need a haircut, I'm still dealing with a very tender scalp so I imagine it will be a while before I feel able to brave going out and getting that done.  I do, however, have some Zoom meetings set up for the end of this month, beginning of March.  Hopefully I can get something done with my hair by then.  If not I think I might start wearing a hat as one friend suggested.  

Time to finish my coffee and hope for a little chemical assistance and see how beaming will go.

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