
Sunday, June 5, 2022



I'm down to the last 1/3rd of the current warp and it was time to get the next warp ready to weave.

So I played around with the threading I had generated, messed around with it, made sure the threading draft had the required number of ends, flipped the repeat to make it easier for me to thread, tried a couple different tie ups, then generated the treadling to include hem areas.

I thought long and hard about whether or not I liked ending the motif in the middle, thought about what it would take to re-do the draft *again*, decided that I could live with it as is and re-named it from the original file name to Four Leaf Clover.

During the week I had also messed with condensing the draft down to 12 shafts and 8 shafts, although the 8 shaft version didn't look like much.  (This was as much an exercise to see if it *could* be done on fewer than 16, less that I would actually weave it on fewer.)

But I have something I can live with now, and since about 1/2 of the next warp will be woven white on white, the pattern will be subtle to the point of invisibility for the most part.

But I'm ok with that too.  Subtlety can also be attractive.  And the towels will work to dry dishes, so...

My goal for today is to weave two towels.  I'll be using the 16/2 teal - and making sure I run the filtered fan to extract as much of the fibre dust out of the air as I can.  Doug corralled the last herd of dust buffalo upstairs, but I do try and keep as much fibre dust out of the air shed of our home as possible.  

Things are about to get 'busy' chez nous with the Gourmet Fair set up this weekend, and no sooner are we are done with that it is time to start loading the van with the Olds class supplies.  But I'm hoping to finish the current warp and get the next one into the loom before we leave.

Currently reading Named of the Dragon by Susanne Kearsley.

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