
Thursday, July 21, 2022

Multiple Fronts


My life has been spent working on multiple long term projects, some of them longer than others, all of them needing to move forward to meet a deadline, regardless if that deadline was/is self-imposed or not.

What I have spent the last 2.5 years learning is how to trim back how many projects I'm working on at any given time.  At times that works better than others.  Right now, I'm working at my current 'maximum'.

My overarching goal is to continue to weave down my stash.  To that end, I've worked through several of my categories of yarn - just in the past 3 years.

The 2/20 silk I dyed is either used up, or given to another person to use.  Cotton flake is 99% gone, just a few dribs and drabs.

A dent was made in some of the fine rayon yarns I have, although there is So Much play value in fine yarns, there is still a lot more that needs to be used.

A significant dent was made in my 2/8 cotton.

Yesterday I cut the 'last' 2/16 cotton warp off the loom and began dressing the loom with the 2/20 mercerized.  Again there is some 2/16 cotton left, but so little compared to what there was I count that a successful reduction.

However!  I am also supposed to be working on the filming schedule for the next classes.  I've gotten feedback from SOS and need to roll their suggestions into what I had included so far.  I need to design the warps that will be used as part of the class (sectional beaming) and estimate how long each segment will take to record, and what order to do them in.  

What I am finding, now that I'm back on the dilaudid again, is that the brain fog has returned and trying to hold both the sectional beaming AND the lace class in my head at the same time, AND weave, AND get the finishing done just isn't in my ability right now.

This morning I hoped to get the 22 towels I wet finished pressed, but I didn't quite get them all done before it was time to stop for lunch and then get my hair cut.

So I'll finish pressing those, then get back to threading the mercerized warp.  And continue to move the pieces of the sectional beaming class around in my head, not unlike how I move the variables of designing a cloth around as I contemplate how they will/might fit together.  

My Office Practices teacher gave me a low mark with the comment that I would get a lot more done if I would only keep my desk organized.

I'm quite sure she would never believe what I have accomplished in my life, WITH the disorganized desk that she so abhorred.  Seems a good mark in that class was less important to me than doing what I wanted to do, messy desk or no!    

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