
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

World on Fire


In so many ways it feels like the world is on 'fire'.  So as I dug through the piles of 2/20 mercerized cotton, separating them into colour groupings, I kept the 3 reds as one warp possibility.  A few days later, looking for something else entirely, I spotted a large (kilo?) cone of a copper-y colour.  It's even called copper on the label.  :)  And it was also 2/20 merc. cotton.

I had no idea what I was going to do with it, until I thought some more about those reds and decided to play with the idea of flames.

Another benefit is that it's fairly simple to thread - a bonus for my addled brain.  (If you live with chronic pain you are either stupid with pain, or stupid with pain killers.  Or both.)  It's also a nice break from the rather, um, florid designs I've been working with lately.  A palette cleanser, as they say.

I'm not sure if this combination will make a very good tea towel, and I may play with the tie up and treadling once I get it into the loom and start weaving.  I may weave 8, cut off, wet finish and then make changes.  

Because they will be tea towels.  Or just towels.  Or whatever the buyer (or giftee) decides.

These will start out at 40 epi, 24" in the reed, with a goal of 40 ppi.  Which means more work than the 2/16 towels at 32/32.  (Or as close as I can get them.)  

The next decision is to figure out if I just weave yardage, or do hems.  The warp will be too long to weave off in one piece.  My other option is to measure about 40" of weaving, then insert a cut line so that I can cut off after each 8 towels and not be wasting any warp.

There is still time to think things through and make some decisions.  And I can change things when ever I want, I'm not locked into just this.  Thank you computer assisted dobby!

Ultimately if I really hate the results once I begin weaving with the copper, I have other options.  Always good to remain flexible just in case things don't look like you want them to.

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