
Friday, September 30, 2022

And So It Begins


Today I started doing the preparations for the two classes for School of Sweet Georgia.

I am a wee bit nervous about doing these in part because we will be interleaving the topics in order to reduce camera changes.  But my brain fog seems to be lifting and I was able to think through the topics, set up the trouble shooting section, get the smaller loom dressed for the lace weave class, and didn’t feel overwhelmed in spite of not being in my own studio.  

I have the ‘luxury’ of taking two days to complete the preparations so when I got tired and started hurting, I stopped for the day.  Tomorrow I will finish setting up for the lace pick up, then sort through my teaching aids, organize my samples.  While I don’t have a lot of samples, I do have some nice ones.  

Getting the looms ready is the most time consuming, so I was glad to get that done and out of the way. 

I also have firm dates for when they will launch now, and once home I will generate the supporting documentation for the SOS website, which is a comfortable schedule. 

Filming will happen over three days, again a comfortable pace.

I am grateful to work with an enthusiastic crew who responds when I express concerns, or just ask for additional assistance with supplying what I need.  I enjoy the forums and being able to answer questions as they arise.  

Covid isn’t over and being able to teach in person is no longer on my radar, although I may do a very small beginning to weave for my local guild if everyone wears a mask.  We have had requests and no one seems confident enough to do it.  I got tossed into the deep end and that isn’t always the best approach because not everyone can swim.  When I get home I will talk to the new workshop person and the treasurer and see what they say.   Tonight I am putting my feet up and maybe will hem a couple more towels   

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