
Thursday, September 8, 2022

Clearing the Decks


Since I am getting close to finishing the current warp (maybe next Monday?) it was time to work on the next warp.

I've been playing with twills and ratios of point progressions.  Then I was using an advancing progression to weave them.

For this warp, however, I had a slightly different vision in mind - that of an oil slick on water.  How the shimmer and sheen of the oil casts a rainbow effect on the surface and how those colours ebb and flow, especially as the angle of observation changes.  Like iridescence.

Since my goal is to use up what I have and not buy more, I have had to push my comfort zone and work with colours that I might not have chosen if I had a broader range to select from.  As my yarn availability dwindles, I have had to push harder to come up with something I might like.

At this point in time I have too little of any one colour to use as warp (40 epi means 40 yarn packages to beam sectionally) so I've been combining different colours in different ways, beginning with the 2/16.  For that yarn I started making 'stripes' because when you have very different values, trying to blend them altogether can get very 'busy' looking.

The breakthrough for me was realizing that I didn't have to thread the stripes in rigid order, but just encourage the yarns to stay close to their area.  I'm letting the different coloiurs migrate into the adjacent stripe which creates a softer focus, a less rigid appearance.  So far it's been working so I've been continuing with that approach for the 2/20 mercerized cotton.

The next warp will be darker value colours and I'm really trying to get them woven before the days get shorter/darker.  We are heading into winter and our winters have been warmer and more overcast, which means less light.  Since I'm having issues seeing such fine thread, especially in the darker values, I feel a lot of pressure to get this warp into the loom as soon as I can while we still have some brighter days.

OTOH, I also have class prep to do.  The bulk of it is done, now it's fine tuning and details.  And less than 3 weeks to get it all done.

Once this warp is in the loom I will begin packing for the trip because I'm bringing my spool rack and yarn for one class.  I also have to wind a couple of warps, one for each class.  And gather my teaching samples.

So I am feeling a LOT of pressure to finish the current warp and get the next one into the loom.  

I'm hoping to at least begin weaving on it before we leave, but honestly?  If I don't, I won't be terribly upset.  Winter is coming and there will be lots of time to weave when I'm feeling better.

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