The sunlight was washing out the colour so I took the photo with shadow on the warp so you can see more of the colours.
When I realized I could not continue using the 2/20 mercerized cotton in my stash for warp as planned, I had to quickly pivot to something else.
Given my success at weaving down my yarn stash, I was very limited in my choices. Plus the fact that I'm reserving a bunch of my 2/8 cotton for the sectional beaming class so I couldn't use any of that yarn, I had to work with what was left.
Which was mostly beige. Not exactly my favourite colour, but needs must.
I was going to add a variegated yarn to spice the warp up some, but I didn't feel like taking the time to wind spools or cones, so instead I just included a pale green and a couple of light peach ends along with about 6 or 7 various shades of 'beige'. Some were more yellow, some more brown, and two ends are a 'stone' - a dark brownish grey.
I have several pounds (5?) of a single linen what is a bit slubby and slightly thinner than 2/8 cotton. Since linen is so stiff I went with 20 epi and will weave it in a 'fancy' twill with some plain weave in the tie up to add some stability with what is a relatively open set.
These towels will be more hand towels than tea towels, but should wear in nicely. I've had some feedback from people saying that they have been using my part linen towels, and after a while they really develop into a lovely cloth. Which is my experience as well. Linen really does need to be used, not stored in the closet for 'good'.
I say I did a 'quick' pivot, but that's not really accurate. Instead of making the decision immediately, I had to stop and take a break, clear my mind of the disappointment of having threads snap, left right and centre, look at what I had on hand and then finally, some hours later, make a decision. The brain fog from the pain/pain medications means I have to take time to let my thoughts percolate. I don't want to rush into a decision about a longish warp before I have had a chance to think things through.
But I will tell you something for free - I do miss my brain working 'properly'!
So I am going to say one more thing about brain fog. The reports about Long Covid brain fog are truly concerning. There are now so many people who have been infected with this disease, many of them dealing with fatigue and brain fog, cognitive disfunction, plus so many other health issues and the advice now is to not get it at all, or, if you've had it, do everything in your power to NOT get it again. The more times you get infected with covid, the risk of developing Long Covid or having other hidden health issues that will manifest in the coming years goes up.
Given my already precarious health, I will be continuing to wear a mask when I go out, advocate for air filtration, and get every covid vaccine because it has been shown that the vaccine will offer protection against severe illness and Long Covid should I be unlucky and catch it.
Stay safe. Stay well. Stay covid aware. Living with covid is NOT ignoring it, but living with mitigations like filtration - personal and general, isolating when sick, getting vaccines.
Beige usually does not appeal to me much, either, but your photograph in shadow with just a little light falling on it from one side is beautiful! It will make gorgeous cloth, I just *know* it. :)