
Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Solstice 2022


May the blessing of light be on you, light without and light within.  May the blessed sunshine shine on you and warm your heart till it glows like a great peat fire, so that the stranger may come and warm himself at it, and also a friend.

--- Traditional Irish blessing

Today marks the turning of the sun on its journey to the south, to return light to the north (and vice versa in the southern hemisphere)

This week we have new records for cold.  The desktop weather app currently says -38C although the little weather station that monitors temps in our carport says it is 'only' -35, up from -36 when I got up just before official sunrise.

This morning I saw someone gnashing their irritation about how the 'media' was ignoring their problem of the day by focusing on the weather in my province.  Which irritated me greatly because both things need to be of concern.  

We need to be aware of what is happening in the *world*, not just our little piece of it.  I can be outraged at their issues and how the alt right politics are destroying their concern of the moment while *also* being outraged about climate change, racism, and all the other -isms that seem bent on destruction of our society.

And so we end one year and begin the next having seen little progress on a number of things, and I gather up the tatters of my hope and optimism and say 'welcome' to the new year, the returning of the light to my part of the world.

I hope that, whatever your particular circumstance, you can see that while you may not be able to fix all the brokenness of this world, you *can* work to make it better.  To see that while you may be struggling (and I see you all, struggling, truly I do), maybe you can make things just a wee bit better for someone else, too.

So I step into this new year more determined than ever to:

1.  not catch covid - or spread it

2.  continue teaching about weaving, in any way I can that will allow me to remain distant from covid and any other virus floating around

3.  encourage others who may be struggling, whatever they are struggling with

4.  continue to weave down my stash

Sending best wishes to all.  Stay safe.  Stay well.  Stay determined.

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