
Thursday, December 29, 2022

Wrapping Up the 'Old' Year


Today is the 29th of December, 2022.  I am looking forward to finishing off the series of scarves I've been weaving for teaching samples.  The last warp will come off the loom today, the scarves will get trimmed of weft tails, then into the washing machine and dryer they will go, to be pressed tomorrow.  They may not get hemmed until the new year, but the majority of the work will have been done by close of *this* year.

I didn't need to weave so many examples, but I had the yarn, and I'd designed the project to have multiple 'lessons', and since I am still teaching, albeit online, it seemed like a no brainer to extend the examples to include more options.

Once I'm done the last warp, the balance of the yarn will go to a guild member who has been making, and teaching how to make, temari balls.  It's rather more yarn than I might have donated but OTOH, there isn't really enough left to weave with unless I get really creative.

And frankly?  I'm done.  I've enjoyed the process and the results, and that is...enough.

I've also expanded my skills (all that plain weave with high contrast colours warp and weft), being as 'perfect' as I can be with beat, given the change between huck and plain weave.  

It was time to let go.

I am learning, slowly and surely, how to let go.

Let go of obligations.  Let go of grand plans.  Let go of expectations - not just of others, but myself.

It is quite freeing - to let go.

That doesn't mean I will sit back and simply watch the world go by - although it is tempting, some days.  Because I still have way too much yarn.  I'm pleased with the current combo of 2/16 unmercerized cotton warp with 2/20 mercerized cotton weft, plus the new direction I'm exploring in terms of designing.

And that is enough.  I will do it because it pleases me.

And that seems like a good enough theme, or goal, or, if you like, resolution to take into the new year.

Sending all our best wishes for the coming year.

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