
Thursday, February 2, 2023

Snow Day


We are in the middle of a string of winter 'storms'.

Truth be told, it's not all that bad, compared to other places.  But it's been ongoing for almost a week, and when it 'ends' it will not be snow but sleet and rain.  Not good on top of the snow that has accumulated this week.

Busses are getting stuck with passengers and passersby helping to push the bus out of the snow.  Even an ambulance got stuck yesterday.  Everyone is warning people to just stay home.

But we are a hardy bunch and some of us will be going out.  Doug has an appointment this morning, and I have one this afternoon.  I have cancelled plans to go shopping because what I 'need' isn't required today so I can wait a bit.  I may even cancel my chiropractic appointment, although I'd rather not.  I'll see how Doug fares this morning on the snow laden streets.  (He's just offered to drive me and I think I'll accept that offer - he can sit and read his library book.)

Yesterday I got two towels woven and even had enough spoons to tackle some things on my desk.  One of the things I had been procrastinating over for literally years.  But it was weighing heavily on my mind and it had reached the stage where it could not be ignored any longer.  So over my lunch break I gave myself a pep talk (shook the pom poms of encouragement!) and got 'er done.  

What a relief!  I won't breathe entirely easy until I get the confirmation letter that it is truly dealt with, but that should come fairly quickly.  Then I can move forward on some other things that will knock on based on getting that completed.

You would think that at my age I would know better than to ignore stuff until it becomes a burden, but it seems that lesson hasn't quite taken, yet.

One of the other things on my desk has hit a snag and I may see my entire project there collapse, which is hugely annoying.  And why I am loathe to work to someone else's requirements going forward.

I can still salvage the project, but it will take some serious time and effort on my part and I would rather be weaving.

At any rate, the weather channel is still saying winter storm alerts.  The temperature has gone up (which is why it's dumping snow) and we are still heating the house with space heaters because we've been hit by the supply chain issues and cannot get the necessary part.  Until June.  So the furnace place is trying to find a new motor and circuit board it needs and will hopefully have some news today or tomorrow.  I don't relish the idea of using expensive (for us) electricity to heat the house for the rest of the winter.  Because if the power goes out, we're going to be in some serious trouble.  

We have been hit with a string of 'maintenance' expenses this winter.  Things that we had not budgeted for and things that we had.  The furnace was NOT on our radar.  So I'll be posting more tea towels to ko-fi over the coming weeks.  

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