
Friday, February 3, 2023

Topsy Turvy


This week has been full of plans getting set on their heads and me left pondering what to do, what to do?

OTOH, the change in plans this morning was actually welcome on one level.  Furnace guy arrived much earlier than expected (how often does THAT happen?) and the repairs are underway.

Instead of getting myself organized and out of here before he arrived, I'm in the office and staying out of his way.  And enjoying the sound of a running fan.  So the motor works.  Now for the heat, which is taking longer.

But I have, this week, managed to complete some long standing things that I had been ignoring and which were weighing me down, and my errand run this afternoon will deal with another that cropped up on Wednesday.  I have parcels to mail (two tea towels to two people, with grateful thanks), and I have been working myself up to starting #5 in the Matrix series.  I think I know what I want to do, but will have to get Fiberworks open and start plugging in my plan and see what comes out.

Today I have a guild executive meeting and we will look at more plans for the future programs/workshops as well as some general 'housekeeping'.  I also found the 'spare' apron for a wider loom that I can cut down and make two aprons for the two 27" looms.  One is in desperate need of a new cloth beam apron and the other also needs an upgrade if I remember correctly.  They are the same vintage, so the aprons are likely degraded the same degree so replacing both of the cloth beam aprons will prevent issues, especially if we keep getting new weavers.  

The April/May beginning class is full, so hopefully we will get some more new weavers.  So far the three in the first class seem really keen.  I have set aside dates in September in case we get more interested people, but the other suggestion was for a 'next step' class for those in the two beginning weaving classes.  To Be Determined.

Unfortunately it looks like I won't get to the loom until Monday - Sunday morning if I can get myself to the loom before I head to guild drop in.  I'm at about the halfway point in the current warp and anxious to get it finished and #4 set up and weaving to see if I'm happy with the new design.  (It's a tea towel.  It will be fine, oh doubting one.)

The next one will be changing the threading and treadling - or at least, that's the plan.  We'll see how it goes.

In the meantime, we have hope of reliable heat soon.  And I have set myself the challenge of beginning the essays next week by writing a new introduction based on my thoughts about what I want to do, who my target audience is, the information I want to convey and how I want to convey it.  All good things to settle before I begin the actual essays.  Always good to know where you are going!  Or at least, have a plan.  And then go with the flow when reality sets it and everything gets turned topsy-turvy.

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