
Saturday, March 25, 2023



Thinking about the trip to Vancouver next week, knowing there really won't be time (or energy) to visit Sweet Georgia.  My life seems to be focused entirely on keeping this body going.  

Thinking about the essays.  Brain fog is pretty thick right now and the Muse is quiet.  For now.  For which I'm grateful as I try to gather up my thoughts to keep going.  April is going to be a busy month.  I'm glad the trip is happening now instead of mid-April.  That should take some pressure off of me.

We have four signed up for the beginning to weave class.  At least one is taking it as a refresher, so they may get co-opted to help me if I need it.  They have taken classes with me before, but many moons ago.  Pretty sure they will begin to remember things once we get started.

The class will again be masks required.  The guild room isn't huge and during demos we will be close together.  The building is used by other people, none of them wearing masks that I've seen and covid is NOT over.  People who are immune compromised are still at risk and one of the students has had covid once.  (That I know about.)  Every time a person gets caught, the risk of long covid increases.  It isn't just me I'm thinking about, but everyone.  

The next lecture for School of Sweet Georgia is May but there are a few more guild presentations that have been added to my calendar.  HGA has been blasting emails out asking for keynote speakers and workshop leaders and that's just a huge nope for me.  I refuse to fly anywhere when no masks are required.  I cannot chance being cooped up in a metal tube for hours or sitting confined in a crowded airport, not knowing how many people in the crowd are positive, not just for covid but other airborne illnesses.  My gambling days are over and frankly I never wanted traveling bugs either.  Too many trips sitting next to someone hacking and coughing and me getting home sick as can be.  

So nope, not in the cards.  Besides, I've done keynote speeches.  I don't need to add another notch to my resume - to mix a metaphor.

Instead, whatever grey matter I have will be rubbed together to try and write a few more essays.  

Learning how one's limits have reduced and not getting upset or depressed is one of life's Big Lessons.

The next class for SOS will launch in a few months.  In the meantime I hang out on the SOS forums or sometimes a few other online groups.  Just refused another invite to join a FB group.  If people want to know what I think they can come to me.  Considering I am 'retired' (for certain values of) I don't feel like I need to help every single person out there (waves hand).  Part of me thinks I'm well enough known I shouldn't have to hang out in every single public forum.  The rest of me knows that is a rather ridiculous level of hubris.  Of course not every weaver in NA knows anything about me!  

But I no longer concern myself with getting hired by guilds.  I do have a 'fan base' (if you will) and if those people think what I'm doing is valuable, I'm sure they are capable of hitting the share button.

As for the essays?  No idea how many people will be interested, but enough people have indicated that they are.  And hopefully those who find them interesting will spread the word.  It used to be called word of mouth - now it's words by keyboard?

At any rate, if people want to learn from me, SOS isn't terribly expensive and they have other teachers as well.  Click on the link or scan the QR code.  (I think I've copied the code correctly!)

This old dog is getting too tired to learn new tricks. 

1 comment:

  1. I was delighted to learn my guild has booked you to speak on Magic in the Water in September. Very much looking forward to it.
