
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Winter -> Summer


Summer colours

Seems we have jumped almost entirely over spring into summer.  The forecast for next week is temps in the 20s (70s for those still not using metric measures) and yet this morning the furnace is running.  We have a few weeks of 'spring' in which we need the furnace at night, the a/c during the day.  Apparently that begins this weekend.

Yesterday I completed marking the first box of homework and will be heading to town for errands today so the goal is to mail it back to the student along with an order for a tea towel that came in earlier in the week.  There are some other small errands so everything will get done after lunch and then I head to the guild room to set up the last loom for the class beginning Saturday.

Next week is a busy one with appointments and a Zoom presentation, this time on twills.  I'm hoping to have the current warp off the loom tomorrow or Monday at the latest, and the next warp beamed before I have to re-arrange the studio for the Zoom.

I think the Lace class with School of Sweet Georgia launches in July (above photo is one of the samples I wove for that).  And I am falling down the rabbit hole into looking at crepe yarns/cloth and came up with a 'test' I can do fairly quickly once I clear a few more things off my desk...and floor...

My 'office' is tiny and sometimes I run out of flat space (mainly because I'm 'messy' and tend to 'file by pile' so there are stacks of things in progress - until they are complete.  And sometimes I get so excited by a new project I don't clear away the old...)

My editor has begun working on my file and we've discussed a few things about the formatting and will talk again at the weekend.  I'm trying to *not* be a control freak, but...

One of the things we are talking about is doing a 'book launch'.  Now that we have the internet and Zoom, I don't have to stump around the country promoting my new book, I can do it online.  So stay tuned for an announcement in the coming weeks.  Scheduled publication date is July 9.  Yes, it's arbitrary.  I work best to a deadline.

The snow is gone, the trees are leafing out, the grass is turning green.  Hopefully we won't see anymore snow but we have had snow in May before.  It doesn't stay long but it can come with one last reminder that we live in a part of the country that can - and at times - get snow much later than other parts of the country,  Hard to believe that mid-summer isn't all that far away.  It still feels like winter is peeking over our shoulders.

Never mind.  I have a class to teach, homework to mark (another box is ready to be picked up) and a warp that is nearly done on the loom with three more in the queue.  


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