
Saturday, May 13, 2023

A Matter of Value


My plan C is a very simple point progression, in threading and treadling.  However, it is being done with a tie up that creates a type of value scale due to the 'block' nature of the weave structure.

The tie up is 1:3:1:3:2:2:3:1

Where one shaft is up in the block the block shows mostly weft.  Where the tie up is 2:2, the two colours are equally present on the face of the cloth.  Where the tie up is mostly 3 up and 1 down, that area shows mostly warp.

Since I routinely tie up my loom to lift the fewest number of shafts, then, this face of the cloth is mostly weft 'dominant'.  The other side will show more of the warp and will be mostly 'white'.

Even though the 'hem' area (at the very top of the cloth) won't be visible, I will sometimes include a different treadling as a cue that I am nearing the end of the item, in this case a towel.  It's a little 'trick' I play on myself.  Since I know that the cloth will tell me when it is nearing the 'end' I don't start fussing wondering when I'll be done.  I can usually tell from the time on the clock approximately when that will be and then when I see the hem area coming up, it's like that sprint to the end runners sometimes use on marathons.  They will keep back a little energy to see them across the finish line.

Even though this is a very simple motif, because it has 3 different values being woven there is a bit of a 3D effect happening.  Dark colours 'recede', light colours 'advance'.  Same with values.

So all in all, while this wasn't my first choice, or even my second, it's fine.  I'm happy enough with it that I'm not getting anxious to change it to see if I can do something else.  I know I will be doing something else on the next warp.

I'm now about halfway through this warp.  Unfortunately next week is busier than last (which was supposed to be a quiet week, and then wasn't) so I won't likely get this warp off the loom before next Saturday.  But that is the last day of the beginning weaving class and things should become less busy once it is done.

Several of the beginning weavers want a beyond beginning class and, while I don't really want to, I have agreed to do Mug Rugs and More.  This is a workshop where they can try out a variety of different weave structures and experience a larger variety of things all at once, so to speak, with a focus on textiles that are geared towards table textiles.

Bad news is that I tossed all my teaching notes earlier this year when I decided I was finally done with teaching.  However, I kept the binder with all the samples for this topic and the drafts.  I have to update them, but I always did every time I taught the class.  So I'm trying to get the ms published, and then drag the binder out and begin re-doing all the class handouts.

One of my students has requested an October date, so I will talk to the guild executive and see if they are ok with a workshop between (our) Thanksgiving and the first craft fair.  It means I would do it over a Sat/Sun but that means weavers in the region might join us?

Otherwise things are going well enough.  In this class one student is already winding her third warp, one student is threading her second and the third will decide what they want to do - there are several options they are considering.  They have the use of the looms until the end of the month and can then rent a loom.  There are 5 guild looms, one is already rented, but that means four more they can use.  

Our guild has a good number of spinners; I'm hoping that the two beginning weaving classes will produce some more weavers.  :)

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