
Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sunny Sunday


Once again I was awake far too early, but that allowed me to see the refraction of the light coming through the fan light again.  A little reminder that we are only about 4 weeks away from midsummer and the daylight hours will begin to shrink again.

And so it goes.  The earth turns, the days grow longer, then shorter, carrying us along for the ride.

I am also about 6 weeks away from another anniversary of my first trip around the sun.  There has been much to think about and reflect on over the past few weeks.

I live in a neighbourhood where the population has been very 'stable'.  We have lived on this street since 1975.  There are others who pre-date us.  There are a few rental houses where the tenants change every few years, but mostly the same people who come to live here tend to stay here.  It's not far from downtown, and even though the highway isn't all that far away, it's pretty quiet.  It's 3 streets tucked into the foot of a large hill and most people have no idea our little pocket neighbourhood even exists.  For me that's just fine.

But one of our neighbours is putting his house up for sale.  He has reached an age where taking care of the snow and grass is becoming too much for him.  A reminder that he isn't all that much older than us.

And why I try to get to the loom every day that I can.  In spite of my steady picking away, I still have Way Too Much yarn.

Otoh, the heap of 2/20 mercerized cotton has gone down significantly, which makes me very happy.  There is still enough for a few more warps, so I will continue doing this approach to tea towels for a while longer.

This one will be next, I think:

It vaguely reminds me of several things - squiggles drawn in the sand, design elements from various different cultures, trailways found in sedimentary rock dating from millenia ago.  I didn't try to make this design actually look like anything, just played with lines until I had something that pleased me.

Again the design is symmetrical left to right and repeats along the length.  I fussed over the centre, then decided it would be fine.  Tea towels can get folded in half lengthwise, or in thirds.  Either way, the design would 'work'.

After thinking about this design and the colours I have left available, I think I'll weave it in dark brown weft on the natural white warp.  I have a pound or so of a chocolate brown from Robin and Russ (easily 20 or so years old - long past time to use it!) but I also have a dark reddish/brown, and lots of it.  I think it will look good.

The upper image is how it will look as it is being woven, the one below is how the 'right' side of the cloth will look.

I like the graphic nature of it and I think I'm going to be pleased with it when it is done.  And I weave it 'upside down' to lift the fewest number of shafts.  Because I am that 'lazy'.

But that's the thing - you never know until after it is woven and wet finished.  Until then it's uncertain.  A Schrodinger's towel?  

In the meantime, I still have over half of the current warp to weave, so best I get at it and keep on weaving down my yarn stash...

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