
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Monday, Monday


Yesterday was the most Monday of Mondays.

The whole weekend was a scramble of trying to get The Book sorted through the valiant efforts of my editor grappling with software and new/different websites with varying protocols.  The 'finishing' for the birthing of a book is a trial of perseverance.

Plans got changed, then changed again.  By Monday it was looking like everything was on track after some 'adventures' with corrupted programs that totally messed up the formatting and the mad scramble was on to get a copy of the ms to my first(!) reviewer so that they would have an inkling of what the book was going to look like.  And I started my 'final' read through to comb out any more 'nits' I could find.

In the midst of all that, my other July deadline was looming and my SOS team was needing their updated information so that they could complete their launch.  It felt like a tsunami of deadlines was washing over me.

Partway through the day I wondered how on earth I used to be able to do this sort of thing and still get to the loom.

Well, there's a reason I 'retired' (for certain values of)!

It was 2 o'clock before I finally finished the read through and notified my editor of the last nits that needed to be combed out of the ms, grabbed some lunch, got dressed(!), got the info to SOS and headed to the loom at 3.  By then I was running on adrenaline which meant I did actually get one towel woven, not the two I'd planned.

Needless to say after all that, I needed a nap!

But it's beginning to take shape.  Now the problem is, will people be willing to pay the price for a print copy?  My editor is adding lots of photos, way more than I'd planned, and quality photo reproduction in print isn't cheap.  

OTOH, does anyone even actually want a print copy?  Or will a pdf be acceptable?  I'm Old School and still prefer to have a 'book', but maybe most people are fine with 'digital'?

I mean, I'm not even sure very many people will want to buy these essays with my pithy comments, let alone buy one that is pricy...(Yes, impostor syndrome is A Thing!)

Anyway, the review copies are not yet ready to go out and may not be before we leave.  But that will give my editor another week to work out the kinks and the file can still go out when I get back.

In the meantime, I have my first (only?) interview this afternoon, and there is enough warp for one more tea towel so I'm going to finish that off.  My goal is to have the next warp set up ready to weave before we leave so I can get started weaving the next design as soon as we recover from the trip.  I want to get the current warp wet finished so that it can go into the bin with the rest of my hemming and see how much I can get done while we are away.

My ko-fi shop badly needs updating and I have A Plan for that - once I'm home.

Anyway, today is a lovely blue sky day and if I get dressed now, there is just enough time to finish off that warp before I have a lovely chat with the interviewer.  She is someone I know and respect and I'm on tenterhooks to hear if she thinks the essays are worthwhile.  

After the read through yesterday, I can honestly say - I'm happy enough with it.  It's 'me'.  My opinions.  My attitude.  My voice.  Is it enough?  That will be for others to say.

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