
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Lace Weaving at SOS


The Lace Weaves class with School of Sweet Georgia has been delayed by a week in its launch.  But never fear, it is nearly ready and will be available soon.  :)  

Just like producing a book, a video class requires tonnes of post production (as in post filming).  I've been very happy with the SOS team and the features they provide their students, up to and including being able to answer questions on their forums.

While I await the proof copy of Stories from the Matrix, my thoughts are turning to the in-person workshop that I will be teaching in October.  And thinking of whether or not I can do something 'more' with that information.

The topic is Mug Rugs and More, and it lends itself to a 'weave-a-long' or some such format.  There are 12 different designs, all of which are appropriate (imho) to be table textiles.  I'm mulling over whether or not I should think ahead and make the warps suitable for independent 'study'.  Or, who knows, maybe something I could pitch to SOS?  They do 'projects' for their classes.  I don't want to film anything, the concept would be for beyond beginners to begin to understand weave structure, and choosing yarns, density and perhaps colours, that would bring them closer to a project that succeeds?  

Or I could finally do a 'patreon' approach via ko-fi?

Dunno.  Still thinking.

In the meantime, I need to get back to the loom.  I am still doing my marketing, and will be sending out some more pdfs later today.  Overnight I made the decision to be prepared to go with the better quality paper if the photos don't print well on the cheaper paper and just now asked my editor to upload the file and this time select for the 'better' paper.  Once I've seen the printed proof copy I can choose which format to go with and just hit the 'right' button to 'publish' - so to speak.

Blurb is a print-on-demand website, so each order gets printed individually, they take care of collecting the appropriate taxes and remitting to the government, and shipping the book(s) out.  As someone in the twilight (so to speak) of her years, this service is well worth paying for.

That said, I will be ordering in some 'extra' copies when I place my order for the pre-pub offering so I will have a few copies left over, which I can sign and list on ko-fi.

And on August 12 I will be interviewed by Michelle Boyd for Digits and Threads for their on-line content.

The rest of this week I will be continuing with my marketing plans and hopefully will get a few more interviews.  But if not, my biggest wish is that people find my essays interesting, perhaps thought provoking, maybe even educational.

Time will tell.  Too bad I'm such an impatient person.  :)  (Patience, Grasshopper!)

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