
Monday, October 23, 2023

Monday, Monday


We are at the scrag end of autumn and the trees looked like this about a week ago, but are nearly bare now.  We are in waiting for winter to arrive, which looks like it should be soon, given we are now having frost overnight and temps below zero C.  Yesterday I dug out my 'light' winter coat.  It seems like we went directly from summer to winter.

With the colder temps and the bit of rain we had, the number of wildfires dropped by about 1/3.  Which means there are still way too many fires burning, but at least it looks hopeful that the rest will be conquered - if not by us, by Mother Nature.

But we are still in a state of drought.   The water level in the rivers is deeply concerning - because the water is NOT deep.  It does not bode well for next year if this continues.

OTOH, it is an el nino year, and we could potentially get a snow dump.  At least I hope it will be snow, not rain.  Rain in the winter is horrible because everything gets coated with ice; walking and driving becomes downright dangerous.

I have a few days of 'quiet' with not much on the calendar, until next week when all hell breaks loose.  But hopefully November and December will then calm down.

Personally, I'm far from pain free, but the new pain med *appears* to be starting to work.  I still have other issues and life is far this rode hard, put away wet too often, body.  But it seems that weaving doesn't actually make things 'worse' so I try to get to the loom at least once a day, preferably twice, and then I try to ignore the rest of my task list.

I did get the clean storage area dealt with, found some things that had been 'lost' in there and re-homed some of them.  I'm as ready as I can be for the HVAC install next week.

And it's 'official' - one more warp after the current one and I'm 'done' with the mercerized cotton.  I wasn't sure if it would need 2 more after the current one, but I think I can safely transfer whatever is left into my bobbin lace stash and ignore it for a while longer.  One of these days I might even drag that out?  TBD.

But I also have a stack of library books - I send in requests one by one, and then get them in batches, seems like.  Some of my favourite authors are no longer writing, or took a hiatus (because creative people need breaks!) so I've kept my eye open for new authors and have found some that I'm quite enjoying.  

The latest is C. L. Polk, and I really love their turns of phrase and how they use textiles to denote status in the society they have 'built'.  So far I've read one of their books, but yesterday started a second.  I expect I'll keep requesting their books from the library.

And there are puzzles, spinning, and knitting when I'm not weaving - or writing.

I follow some writers on social media and discover that I really am a writer, even if what I write isn't fiction.  I find many points of similarity with other writers.  When I wrote Magic in the Water, I didn't really consider myself a 'real' writer.  Somehow writing technical stuff wasn't really 'real' writing.  It has taken me a long time to accept the mantle of 'author'.

It's been 21 years since I published Magic.  Some people refer to it as a 'classic'.  The fact that people are still recommending it, and others are buying it, surely means something?

Plus the other two I wrote subsequently?  And #4, currently in the hands of an editor.  

Will there be a 5th?  Who knows.  I'm not sure what else I could - or *should* - say.  OTOH, here I am again - writing.  So, who knows?

Just a few Monday morning thoughts before I head to the loom...

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear that the pain is getting under better control. That must be a relief.
