I used to play a musical instrument and sing in a choir so I used to be quite familiar with musical symbols. I still recognize this one.
One of the things that used to be said about music is that the spaces between the notes were just as important as the notes themselves.
I am only - now - vaguely aware of the music lessons I took as a child, but I still appreciate music in my life. I value musicians/singers/song writers and how different people will interpret the same song in many different ways.
My tastes in music are eclectic, shall we say? I usually find something to like in most genres, although I have my favourites.
If life is like a symphony, then we also need 'rests' in our lives.
OTOH, it seems like lately my life is more 'rest' than music. Trying to work out the balance between doing something and resting is an on-going effort.
Because I remember what I used to be able to do. And now, cannot.
Yesterday was a bit of a 'rest' day. A day to catch up on some things that had languished for far too long. We are ramping up, preparing for the new HVAC install on Nov. 1 and 2. We have to clear clutter away for the work to be done so that our clutter doesn't impede the installation.
I have also been getting inventory ready for the sales events coming up. Again a job that I've been ignoring for far too long. However, I have 4 boxes full of hand woven cloth ready to be packed up and delivered to the guild room, so that is one job that got crossed off my impending deadline (looming deadline? Sorry, not sorry!) list.
With physio at 11:30 yesterday I was pretty sure I wouldn't feel up to weaving after, and such was the case. However, I had a stack of emails and other writing tasks that had also been ignored, plus some emails that came in that needed to be answered. I managed to work my way through most of them. Just waiting for feedback for one before I send to the person involved. It's good to have someone review a written document before hitting the 'send' button. But the 'work' got done.
I also scanned through various resources to see what I could find to recommend to someone, and realized all over again that just because a resource exists doesn't mean it has particularly helpful information. In the end I sent two books to list as a bibliography for the 20+ page document on the topic I sent a couple of weeks ago.
I mean, I don't want to pretend I am the only person who knows stuff, but neither do I want to recommend resources that I feel are...not particularly helpful.
And that attitude? I have to keep that in check because *I* don't know everything, and change one thing and everything can change. Which is why I wrote a 20+ page document - I was trying to cover as many bases as I could...
In spite of taking a day 'off' from weaving, I still had pain last night. The SI joint injection has not given me the relief I was looking for, so now it's waiting time. Wait to see if the new pain med will give some relief from the SI joint referred pain when the dose gets higher. I'm currently just starting 2 mg/day, with a recommended dosage of 4 mg/day. With a very slow ramp up to get there.
In the meantime, physio is working on building strength to help support and protect the injured SI joint and at the end of our session yesterday suggested that she might recommend an SI joint 'belt' to help support the damaged joint. She will see how I'm doing when I see her next and have had time to do more of the exercises she has been giving me to do. She wants to get my body stronger so that it can support and protect itself. So, I'm trying really hard to remember to do the exercises.
This morning I slept 'in', given I'd been up in the night unable to sleep. But I can still get two sessions done at the loom - if I get a move on! Since weaving - or not weaving - doesn't seem to affect whether or not I have pain, physio and I discussed the reasons why I weave, and agreed that the other benefits of weaving out weigh *not* weaving. But I need to not be silly about it, not push, pay attention to my body.
In the playlist of my life, I have to remember to include rest breaks...
It's important to remember that you are a human being, not a human doing!