
Saturday, October 21, 2023

Winter's Coming!


This morning we had frost.  Not the first time, but it has been a 'rare' mild autumn with no frost until well into October.  Our new 'normal'?

I am making slow but steady progress on weaving down the mercerized cotton.  The current warp plus one more ought to weave up as much of that yarn as is feasible.

The current warp is about half woven, and my goal is to have it off the loom so I can take the towels to the guild room on Nov. 1 and hem as many of them as I can in the nice light of the guild room.  The dark navy, especially with the darker colours used as weft, are difficult to see at night.  The new HVAC system will begin being installed on Nov. 1 so I'll go up to the guild room and stay out of the way while the crew does the work.  And try to hem as many of the dark towels as I can.

Which means these towels will likely get listed in my ko-fi shop by Nov. 5 or so.

The last week of October and first week of November are...fraught...with appointments and 'stuff'.  The guild will have a booth at the big craft fair Nov. 3-5, I have medical appointments to deal with, and of course the on-going 'fun' of dealing with the chronic pain.  Things seem to be slooooowly improving, so I keep tying another knot in the end of my rope and hanging on.

I don't have the launch date for the class on sectional beaming with SOS yet, but I know that post production work is proceeding with that.  It should go live sometime in November.

And I've been going down rabbit holes because a student is interested in a specific type of fabric that I know little about, but am finding fascinating.  

Today I'm going to weave and then if there is time, will help the student get their loom dressed so they can begin weaving at home instead of at guild.  

Winter will be here soon enough.  I'm looking forward to getting all the 'stuff' that is happening over the next couple of weeks done so I can hunker down in my 'den' and just do some weaving, keep working on stash reduction.

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